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Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

My Thesis Acknowledgement

With the blessing of Allah SWT this thesis has been finished arranging in order to get the title of Sarjana Degree at the Educational faculty of Haluoleo University.

The grateful thanks I address to my beloved consultants Drs. Amri Tanduklangi, M.lis as my first consultant and Dra. Lelly Suhartini, M.Hum as my second consultant who have given me the best things; guidance, valuable advice, motivation, and correction during finishing my thesis.

The heart fully thanks also I address for:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir Usman Rianse, M.S. as the Rector of Haluoleo University.
2. Drs. H. Barlian, M.Pd as the Dean of Education of Haluoleo University.
3. Drs. La Yani Konisi, M.Hum as the Head of Language and Arts Department of
Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Haluoleo University.
4. Dra. Lelly Suhartini, M.Hum as the Secretary of Language and Arts Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Haluoleo University.
5. La Aso, S.Pd, M.Hum as the Head of English Study Program
6. All of my lecturers in English Department. Thanks for any wonderful
knowledge you’ve transferred.
7. Ibu Ati as the staff of English Study Program, thank you so much for your

My grateful thanks also I address for my beloved Mom and Dad, H. Laode Syaefuddin, SE., M,sc. And Hj. Hasriany P. who always give me the best support (morale and material) and the everlasting love and pray. My lovely brothers: Qomar Arief Madi, S,P and Qomarullah Madi, A,Md. also My beloved sisters; Riski Amalia Madi, SE., M,Ba. Your love makes me strong.

Jazakallah khairan katsiran for my brothers and sisters in LDK-BKLDM and Muslimah Hizb ut Tahrir Indonesia Unhalu who always given me many inspiration and motivation as long as I do this thesis. Keep spirit and istiqomah in dawwa because Khilafah is Allah swt’s promise, so just stick to it. Besides that, many thanks for Syeikh Taqiuddin an Nabhani, his thought and books give many contribution to my life and for the Moslems ummah, May Allah swt bless you.

Many thanks also address for all brilliant friends in English Department 2004 and my B_Gank (Mba Gida “Ummu Faiz”, Ririn “Green”, Aminah “Eminem”, Diah “Nope”, Ozh “ndut tea”, Risma Uky “Ummu Pixie“, Ceceng “gesit”, Daniel “Xui Ya”, Uchul “Ereke”, Idul “Jadul”), Thanks for everything and good luck for all. Especially to my lovely bestfriend, Aminah Maulidah Nugraha Silawati, S.Pd., thanks for your support, motivation, helps, jokes, advice, and your kindness for almost 19 years, I love you my dear.

The researcher realized that this thesis may need some improvement to be a perfect form. Therefore, the writer will appreciate every suggestion and critic given from the readers.

The Writer

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